ACTION B.1: Development of the decision tool
The standard floor management strategy adopted by grape growers in the study area mostly relies upon tillage and there is poor management of vineyard surrounds (headlands, border and remnant vegetation, land unsuitable to grapevine growing), which result in severe soil erosion, progressive decline in organic matter, local and diffuse contamination, sealing, compaction, deterioration in biodiversity, and landslides.
Objectives of Action B1 are:
- definition of solutions for improving soil health in the whole viticultural system (i.e., vineyard floor between vines, in the vine row, and in headlands around vineyard blocks) and revegetation of remnants and buffer zones;
- implementation of these solutions in an innovative Decision tool able to guide grape growers at: i) defining their specific soil and related environmental problem(s); ii) selecting the best solution(s) for addressing them;
iii) self-evaluating the results after implementation of the solution(s); and, finally, iv) maintaining the results obtained.
- production of both traditional supports (e.g., booklets and flowcharts) and a new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) based tool for the use of the Decision tool.
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Deliverable B1.1 alfa tool
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Deliverable B1.2 beta tool
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Deliverable B1.3 ICT version