Life Payoff


LIFE-ADVICLIM project corresponds to the application and demonstration of several years of Research & Development on the impact of climate change in vineyards. Through the previous projects, expertise was built up in the assessment of climate variability inside winegrowing areas. This expertise is being used/applied in the ADVICLIM project to monitor the spatial climatic variability in 6 pilot sites under different environmental conditions for viticulture: i.e. the Bordeaux region (France), Loire Valley (France), Rüdesheim (Rheingau, Germany), Rock Lodge East Sussex (UK), Cotnari (Romania) and Navarra (Spain). LIFE-ADVICLIM aims to improve local management of vineyards in the face of climate change. It will develop tools to measure and model both contributions to climate change and the impact of climate change. It will build on these to help identify the best responses to mitigate and adapt to the impact of climate change in vineyards

Pubblicata il: 09/10/2016
Disponibile in english
Life logoCon il contributo dello strumento finanziario LIFE della Comunità Europea
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Responsabile di Progetto: Prof. Stefano Poni
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